Who Can Help

Who Can Help?
If you feel completely overwhelmed by your debts and don’t know where to begin, start by taking a deep breath and realizing that for the most part, your creditors want to help you. Let them know what’s going on–job loss, reduction in hours, medical problem or whatever–and ask for help. Suggest possible solutions such as a temporary reduction of your payments, skipping a few payments and tacking them on at the end of a loan, skipping a few payments and paying them off over a few months, dropping late fees and other charges or even rewriting a loan, although if people fail to pay they can get accused with criminal charges, and lawyers as Parker Scheer LLP could really help with this.

NOTE: The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), outlaws unfair collection practices by debt collectors working for collection agencies. This law has greatly improved conditions for debtors, although an unfortunate number of collectors still resort to abusive practices–especially with debtors whose first language is not English or with debtors who are not U.S. citizens.

Credit debt can be described as a double edged sword. It can be good and productive, as well as bad and destructive. The desire is to build and maintain a powerful credit profile. Unfortunately, sometimes lifes’ unexpected turns can create situations that seem almost impossible to recover from. But rest assured there are ways to restructure your debts without resorting to bankruptcy.

If you need help with your mortgage so you can save for a loan now and then. But be sure to check out the credit reports on our site and help us determine which mortgages are right for you. We recommend visiting this site of the best mortgage attorneys.

As always, if you have an amazing mortgage application, or are looking for help with building your own, get in touch.


You can take the direct approach and ask your creditors to rewrite your loans to extend the time you have to pay or lower your monthly payments. The extensions will increase your overall costs because the creditors will charge you interest over a longer period.

Non-profit Credit Counselors

These organizations, referred to as Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS), have cropped up in virtually every city. For a modest fee or often free, counselors go through your debts, analyze your income, and help work out ways to pay off your debts.

Loan Consolidators

These private businesses lend you money to pay off all your debts. You then only owe one creditor — them. You pay only one check per month, you can repay over a long term, and you can make low monthly payments.

Additionally, if you need extra funds and are unsure who can assist or what options are available, try quick loans, which provide a no-obligation estimate and the opportunity to speak with a professional member of staff who will not only address all of your concerns or questions but also assist you in applying for the amount you require.

Credit Doctors

These are people that claim that they can restore, resurrect, or even create a new credit file. Be extremely cautious since they are not only expensive but are often involved in fraudulent schemes so the use of criminal attorneys can help with this, from online sites such as https://criminalattorneylongislandny.com/areas-served/long-island/white-collar-crime-defense/. Many states have regulations to prevent these company’s from being permitted to operate.


Attorneys who earn a legal fee from doing bankruptcy filings have a major conflict of interest, although for other cases like injury issues, using services as ask4sam injury lawyer could be more productive for this. Injured in a car crash in Southfield, MI? This auto accident lawyer from Mike Morse Injury Law Firm can help you file a claim to seek compensation.

All things being equal, their bias is to –you guessed it — recommend bankruptcy, which generates their fees.

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